
September 20, 2014

Is it OK to buy yourself jewellery?

Filed under: Uncategorized — blindcopy @ 5:56 pm

Recently at the doctor’s waiting room one of the other waiting patients pointed at my simple thin gold band and asked: „Is this a wedding ring?“ – “No, this is just – erm – jewellery. An accessory, if you will.” Mind you, this guy was a weirdo. But my reply was in no way less weird, was it?

It got me thinking: Does jewellery (fine jewellery that is) have to have a deeper meaning, in the sense that it’s a gift from your partner/best friend/parents or a family heirloom?

Until recently – until that barely-there rose gold ring – I’ve never owned a piece of fine jewellery that I had bought myself. I own a couple of beautiful rings and a diamond necklace my parents once gave me as gifts. And I have some diamond ear studs and necklaces from ex-boyfriends – not always had they been my kind of style though, both jewellery and boyfriend.

All those pieces have a (hi)story. So if somebody asked: “Oh, where did you get this beautiful necklace from?” it’s OK to say “My father gave it to me when I graduated from university.” Because 1. it reminds you and tells everyone else how much you are loved 2. it gives you the chance to mention that you do have a university degree (which, strangely enough, is important to some people).

In reverse, does this mean – if you buy yourself a diamond ring for example – that you’re narcissistic? Is it shallow and decadent to buy yourself jewellery? Is it also because you don’t have anyone who would want to buy it for you? Are you sad and lonely?

I’ve had a chat about it with a friend, who is single for quite some time (which I don’t understand as she is gorgeous). I had admired her beautiful eternity ring when she told me, that she bought it for herself on a vacation and that ever since she had bought that ring she would buy herself a piece of fine jewellery on every vacation. “I love jewellery and why wait for someone to buy something for me?” she had said. Yes, why?

I’m still not sure if I’d get myself a diamond ring for example; an ex boyfriend once gave me one as a gift and when I wore it for the first time everyone had asked me if I were engaged.

Do you buy yourself fine jewellery?

Here are some pieces that are on the “To buy for myself” jewellery wish list.

LineJo_Leave SelinKent_Hex Ring_YG SophieBilleBrahe Apriati_stack GabrielaArtigas

(Left to right: Line & Jo leave ring, Selin Kent Hex ring, Sophie Bille Brahe earring, Apriati stack, Gabriela Artigas Infinite Tusk ring)

1 Comment »

  1. It is OKAY and absolutely NORMAL to buy yourself jewelry if that makes you happy, why not? You are independent — you work, and earn your own money, and it is your right to buy yourself whatever you want. I am a weirdo as well, but not because I buy myself diamonds, but because I dislike jewelry in general. I own only one silver ring, which I purchased years ago, but I never wear it. My husband knows that I am not into jewelry, so he never bought me a piece. By the way, I like your jewelry selection in this post. Simple yet beautiful.

    “And I have some diamond ear studs and necklaces from ex-boyfriends – not always had they been my kind of style though, both jewellery and boyfriend.” I love this!!!

    P.S. I am an older reader, and always enjoyed reading your posts. It is a pity that you write so rarely.


    Comment by Sara — September 22, 2014 @ 5:31 pm

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